Get Vulnerability by ID
Retrieve a vulnerability by its ID (Leen’s UUID)
Path Parameters
Leen's UUID for the vulnerability
Device attached to the vulnerability, include device groups with includeDeviceGroups query parameter
Name of vulnerability, provided by the upstream vendor
Description of vulnerability, provided by the upstream vendor
Scan output that was provided when detected on the device
List of CVEs associated with the vulnerability
CVSS version
CVSS vector uses cvss3 when available, provided by the upstream vendor
CVSS temporal score
CVSS temporal vector
Corresponds to an identifier in the vulnerability database provided by the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)
Port number of the vulnerability that was detected
Protocol of the vulnerability that was detected, example: tcp
Service of the vulnerability that was detected, example: http
First detection date
Last detection date
The last time the state was updated
A patch is available
Solution for the vulnerability, provided by upstream vendor
Vulnerability category
, network
, database
, application
, os
, other
, general
, attack_vector
Source vendor
, qualys
, snyk
, insightvm
, crowdstrike_spotlight
, sentinelone_vms
Vendor's ID of the vulnerability
Passthrough value of severity
Vendor's ID of the scan that detected the
, high
, medium
, low
, info
, none
, closed
, reopened
, ignored
URL to the vulnerability details, provided by the upstream vendor
Vendor specific pass through data, values can vary based on vendor
List of affected packages for the vulnerability